
The information found on HatleyLawFirm.com and other articles pertain to North Carolina Law only. This is free public information. It is not legal advice about a legal problem and does not create an attorney-client relationship, nor does it promise any legal outcomes. The thoughts and commentary about the law contained in this website and articles are provided as a service to the community and do not constitute solicitation or provision of legal advice. The facts of an individual case must be reviewed by an independent counsel of your choice. Our generalized statements may not appertain to your case. We provide this general legal information on an ‘as-is’ basis. Changes in the Law could make parts of this website’s content obsolete. The reader is advised to check for changes to current law and to consult with a qualified attorney on any legal issue. We make no warranties and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use. Other links/websites/additional resources found on this website are not endorsements and Hatley & Flowers Family Law or The Hatley Law Firm makes no representation of their services.



The information found on HatleyLawFirm.com and other articles pertain to North Carolina Law only. This is free public information. It is not legal advice about a legal problem and does not create an attorney-client relationship, nor does it promise any legal outcomes. The thoughts and commentary about the law contained in this website and articles are provided as a service to the community and do not constitute solicitation or provision of legal advice. The facts of an individual case must be reviewed by an independent counsel of your choice. Our generalized statements may not appertain to your case. We provide this general legal information on an ‘as-is’ basis. Changes in the Law could make parts of this website’s content obsolete. The reader is advised to check for changes to current law and to consult with a qualified attorney on any legal issue. We make no warranties and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use. Other links/websites/additional resources found on this website are not endorsements and Hatley & Flowers Family Law or the Hatley Law Firm makes no representation of their services.